
DCT1033 TEST 2


4.  Write a program statement that will do the following to array B shown below:

int  B[15];
        I.            Print all elements of array B.
      II.            Print all elements of array B in reverse order (14,13,12,11,10 ...0)
    III.            Replace the value of third elements with 100. 
    IV.            Copy the value of last elements into the first one.
      V.            Find the sum of the first five elements.
4. Write function declaration for the following function:

                   I.            Computing a sales commission, given the sales amount and the commission rate.
                II.            Printing the calendar for a year, given the year.
             III.            Computing a square root.
             IV.            Testing whether a number is odd, and returning true if it is.
                V.            Printing a message a specified number of times.

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