
DCT1083 OOP: Assignment 2

A. You are required to provide:-

(i) Algorithm (Flowchart or  Pseudocode)  and
(ii) Java program for each of the following problems.

1.    Read 10 integers and find the total of positive number and negative number.

2.    Write a program that prompts the user to enter the number of students and each student's name and score, and finally displays the student with the highest score.

B. Write a method that computes the commission, using the following rate table . The header of the method is:

public static double computeCommission(double salesAmount)

Sales Amount                    Commission Rate
$0.01–$5,000                      8 percent
$5,000.01–$10,000            10 percent
$10,000.01 and above       12 percent

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