
DCT2023 DS & FP. Lab Linked Lists

1.  Write a program in C to insert a new node at the beginning of a Singly Linked List.
Test Data :
Input the number of nodes : 3
Input data for node 1 : 5
Input data for node 2 : 6
Input data for node 3 : 7

Expected Output :
 Data entered in the list :                                                                                  
 Data = 5                                                                                                    
 Data = 6                                                                                                    
 Data = 7

2. Write a program in C to create a singly linked list of n nodes and count the number of nodes. 
Test Data :
Input the number of nodes : 3
Input data for node 1 : 5
Input data for node 2 : 6
Input data for node 3 : 7
Expected Output :
 Data entered in the list are :                                                                              
 Data = 5                                                                                                    
 Data = 6                                                                                                    
 Data = 7                                                                                                    
 Total number of nodes = 3 

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