
BCS2233 OOP 2BCNS SEM 2 14/15

Object Oriented Programming Teaching Resources.

A. Course Plan
     BCS2233 Course Plan

B. Power Point Slide & Video

1. Slide Introduction to Java Programming, Y. Daniel Liang.  8E
    (Chapter 1,2,3,4,5,6,8,10,11,13)
2. Video Introduction to Java Programming, Y. Daniel Liang. 8E

C. Programming Tools

1. JDK (java development kit)
2. Editor JCreator Professional atau  Editor Eclipse 
 (free version for Jcreator can be downloaded here http://www.jcreator.org/)

D. Five Tips for learning Programming

1. Look at the Example Code
 Reading is usually about the words on the page, but learning to program is about code.

2. Don't Just Read Example Code--Run It
But when you're reading a programming tutorial (or book), it's easy to look at the sample code and say "I get it, I get it, that makes sense". Of course, you might get it, but you might not get it, and you just don't know it. There's only one way to find out--do something with that code.

3. Write your Own Code as Soon as Possible
Once you understand something about the language--or even if you're still getting your head around it--start writing sample programs that use it.

4. Learn to use Debugger
 The first step in doing so is to learn how to use a tool called a debugger, which allows you to step through your code.

5. Seek out More Sources
First, look for alternative explanations. The internet is filled with information about programming, and some explanations work better for different people;


DCT1093 OOP Lab Week 8

Consider the following flowchart. Can you find any selection or repetition structures?


DCT 1093 OOP : Pre Test 1

1.  Response to the following statements by circling either T (TRUE) or F (FALSE). [10M]

        I.            i)Without programs, a computer is an empty machine. ( T / F )
      II.          ii)  Java is NOT a high-level language. ( T / F )
    III.            iii)Java enables users to develop and deploy applications on the Internet for servers, desktop computers, and small hand-held devices.( T / F )
    IV.          iv)  Java is one of language that support object oriented programming. ( T / F )
      V.            v)Reserved words or keywords are words that have a specific meaning to the compiler and cannot be used for other purposes in the program. ( T / F )
    VI.          vi)  The main method looks like this: ( T / F )

public static void main(String[] args) {
  // Statements;


  VII.           vii)An identifier is a sequence of characters that consist of letters, digits, underscores (_), and dollar signs ($).( T / F )
VIII.            viii)An identifier must start with a letter, an underscore (_), or a dollar sign ($). It cannot start with a digit. ( T / F )
    IX.          ix)  Logic Errors Produces incorrect result. ( T / F )
      X.            x) Run Time Error is an error that occurs during the execution of a program. ( T / F )

2. Match the following Statement / Name to its description. [8M]


x = 1;

int x = 1;

double radius;

Declaring Variables
final int SIZE = 3;

Declaring and Initializing

Assignment Statements




3. Give a brief explanation for the following question. [10 M]

         I.            What is debugging? [2 marks]

       II.            What is the difference between a constant and a variable? [2 marks]

     III.            Explain sequence, selection and iteration as used in programming. [6 marks]

4. Which of the following are invalid identifiers, why? [10 marks]

                     I.            my
                   II.            my#address
                 III.            my_address
                 IV.            my  address
                   V.            JAVA

5. Show an evaluation tree for the following expressions: [6 marks]

                    I.            10 + 2 - 2
                  II.            3 + 3 * 3 % 2
                III.            3 + 2 / 5 +2 * 4

6. (Computing the volume of a cylinder) Write an algorithm and a Java program that reads in the radius and length of a cylinder and computes its volume using the following formulas: [20 marks]
= radius * radius * p
= area * length

7. (Finding the largest) Write an algorithm and a java  program that two integers and find the largest. [20 marks]

1. T,F,T,T,T,T,T,T,T,T

Question 7
1.Input two integers (N1 and N2)
2.IF N1 bigger then N2 then
   output N1
   Output N2


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