
FCT1033 Iteration Exercise

1. Show output of the following flowchart:-
Flowchart 1

Flowchart 2

Flowchart 3

2. Draw a flowchart for a program to print 10 to 20

3. Draw a flowchart for a program to print 20 down to 10

4. Show output of the following pseudocode:-

I. set counter to 1
II. print counter
III. increase counter by 1
IV. repeat steps 2,3 until counter equals to 10
pseudocode 1

I. count assigned zero
II.While count < 5
III. Display "I love computers!"
IV. Increment count
V. End while 
pseudocode 2

I.Display “ I love Computers!”
II.Repeat step 1 four times 
pseudocode 3

5. Write a pseudocode for a program to print 10 to 20

6. Write a pseudocodefor a program to print 20 down to 10

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