
DCT 1063 Programming 2


1. Answer each of the following.   Each part of question should use the result of previous part where appropriate. [18 marks]

a) Declare an array of type integer called markah with 10 elements, and initialize the element to the values 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,  [2 marks]

b) Declare a pointer Ptr that points to an object of type integer.[2 marks]

c) Print the element of array numbers using array subscript notation. Use looping structure (for/while/do..while) and assume the integer control variable i has been declared. [5 marks]

d) Assign the starting address of array numbers to the pointer variable Ptr.[2 marks]

e) Print the element of array numbers using pointer with the pointer Ptr. Use looping structure (for/while/do..while) and assume the integer control variable i has been declared.[5 marks]

f) Assuming that Ptr points to the beginning of array numbers, what address is referenced by nPtr + 2 (assumed that the address for nPtr + 0 is 1000) ? What value is stored at that location?[2 marks]

2. Write a program that counts the total number of vowels in a sentence. Output the frequency of each vowel.

For example:
Input: TATIUC Teluk Kalong
Output: A : 2
E : 1
I : 1
O : 1
U : 2


1. A file is opened by linking it to a stream. ( T / F )
2. There are three types of streams:  Input, Output and Input/output ( T / F )
3. To open an input stream, you must declare the stream to be of class ofstream. ( T / F )
4. The header defines several important classes and values for File Input and File Output. ( T / F )
5. To close a file, use the member function close( ). ( T / F )

2.  Assume that each of the following statements applies to the same program. ( 10 marks)

a) Write a program that prompts  user to enter:-

I. Name
II. Matric
III. Course

b) Read the data above (a) and write into a file named student.txt as follows.

Name : Ahmad Ashraaf
Matric: 09A04035
Course: CIS
CPA: 3.6

3. Write a program that reads student.txt  (as created in 3 b), display its content to screen. (10 Marks)

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