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public class demomethod2 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ucapan("Selamat Berpuasa");
ucapan("Maaf Zahir Batin");
public static void kepala(){
System.out.println(" *");
System.out.println(" * *");
System.out.println(" * O O *");
System.out.println(" * | *");
System.out.println(" * _ *");
System.out.println(" * *");
System.out.println(" **");
public static void tangan(){
public static void badan(){
System.out.println(" **");
System.out.println(" **");
System.out.println(" **");
System.out.println(" **");
public static void kaki(){
System.out.println(" ** **");
System.out.println(" ** **");
System.out.println(" ** **");
System.out.println(" ** **");
System.out.println(" **** ****");
public static void ucapan(String msg ){
int i;
for (i=1;i<=3;i++){
2. Write method headers for the following methods:
a. Computing a sales commission, given the sales amount and the commission rate.
b. Printing the calendar for a month, given the month and year.
c. Computing a square root.
d. Testing whether a number is even, and returning true if it is.
e. Printing a message a specified number of times.
3. Implements a method for Question 2 a,d and e. Write a test program that invokes these methods.
4. (Conversions between feet and meters) Write a class that contains the following
/** Convert from feet to meters */
public static double footToMeter(double foot)
The formula for the conversion is:
foot = 3.279 * meter
Write a test program that invokes these methods to display the following tables: