
BCS2233 OOP. Assignment 1

Write an algorithm (either flowchart or pseudocode) and java program for each of the following problem.

1. (Counting positive and negative numbers and computing the average of numbers) Write a program that reads an unspecified number of integers, determines how many positive and negative values have been read, and computes the total and average of the input values. Your program ends with the input 0.

2. (Summing a series) Write a program to sum the following series:

3. Write a test program that prompts the user to enter the investment amount (e.g., 1000) and the interest rate (e.g., 9%), and print a table that displays future value for the years from 1 to 30, as shown below:

The amount invested: 1000
Annual interest rate: 9%
Years       Future Value
  1          1093.8
  2          1196.41
 29         13467.25
 30         14730.57


DCT1083 Programming Fundamentals Lab 26 sept 2013

Write function headers for the following functions:

  1. Computing a sales commission, given the sales amount and the commission rate.
  2. Printing the calendar for a month, given the month and year.
  3. Computing a square root.
  4. Testing whether a number is even, and returning true if it is.
  5. Printing a message a specified number of times.
  6. Computing the monthly payment, given the loan amount, number of years, and annual interest rate.


DCT 1043 COA : Contoh Test 1

Test 1 pelajar 1 IT akan di adakan pada ketetapan berikut:-
*Tarikh : 2/10/2013
*Masa : 8:15pm -9:15pm  (MALAM)
Tempat : Threathre A

* jika tarikah dan masa di atas berlaku pertindihan dengan jadual lain-sila maklumkan pada saya.

Topik dan contoh soalan ada seperti berikut:-

Chapter 1 - Intro

Explain the following terms :-  CPU, memory, input devices, and output devices.
Why computer use binary systems, not the hexadecimal.

What is BUS and what is its function?

Chapter 2 - CPU

The architecture of central processing unit consists of *three main parts. List and briefly explain each of them.

     *Control unit (CU),Arithmetic and Logic unit (ALU),Registers

Chapter 3 - Memory

Differenciate Main Memory and Secondary Memory.Why do computer need both?
Explain memory hierarchy with suitable example
Explain Volatile and Nonvolatile memory in details.
What is cache memory?


DCT1083 : Assignment 2

1. Fill in the third column in the following tables:
expression1 || expression2




expression1 && expression2





1. Write a program to output even numbers 1 to 20 using three types of loop statement (while, do-while and for) in three seperate program. 

  2. Write a program that input ten (10) integers. Print out the sum of those integers.  
2.1 Pseudocode
2.2 Flowchart
2.3 C++ Program


DCT1083 Prog Fundamentals: Lab 5/9/2013

Lab DCT1083 5/9/2013 

a) Write a program to output integer 1 to 10 . Start with a pseudocode and flowchart.

b) Write a program that asks the user to INPUT 10 integers and writes the sum of these integers.  Start with a pseudocode and flowchart.

c) Write a program that read 10 integers. Find the maximum  number among the 10 (hint: use selection statements together with looping statements). Start with a pseudocode and flowchart.

a) Flowchart 
a) Pseudocode

a) C++ Program


DCT1083 Programming Fundamentals : Contoh Test 1

Contoh soalan untuk test 1 adalah seperti berikut (soalan dan 'marking'  bagi semester sebelum ini)

DCT1083 Programming Fundamentals : Assignment 1 Comments

Berikut adalah sedikit komen untuk kesalahan yang dilakukan dalam Assignment 1. Harap dapat beri perhatian, jangan ulangan dalam Test 1.

Assignment 1
Section A no 2

Section B. no 1. Flowchart

Section B. no 2. Flowchart

Section B. no 2. Program C++

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